Sinusitis and Aromatherapy

Anatomy Four pairs of sinuses, known as the paranasal air sinuses, connect to the nasal passages (the two airways running through the nose): Frontal sinuses (behind the forehead) Maxillary sinuses (behind the cheekbones) Ethmoid sinuses (behind the nose) Sphenoid sinuses (behind the eyes) What is Sinusitis? Sinusitis is an inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue…

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Arthritis and Aromatherapy

The word Arthritis comes from the Greek arthron meaning “joint” and the Latin itis meaning “inflammation“. Arthritis affects the musculoskeletal system, specifically the joints. It is the main cause of disability among people over fifty-five years of age in industrialized countries. Whilst often referred to as if it were a single disease, arthritis is actually an umbrella term used for a…

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One of the highlights of my childhood days was the evenings when my father used to read us a story before going to bed.   The one fable which I have always been fascinated by is that of the North Wind and the Sun.  It was not the violent North Wind, but the persistence of the…

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Methods of Use

  Baths : 6 to 10 drops in Dispersa before adding to bath of water. Mix well to disperse oil before entering bath   Foot and hand baths: 8 drops to dispersa and then to a bowl of warm water. Mix well before using     Steam Inhalations: 10 drops to 100ml water   Aromatherapy…

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Using essential oils safely

Just because essential oils can be bought over the counter from pharmacies and just because they are natural does not mean that they cannot be harmful if not used as they should be. They should be treated with respect. 1. Never use directly on the skin (especially on children) unless otherwise prescribed by a fully…

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Aromatherapy and The Aromatherapist

Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy where essential oils derived from plants, are used to promote psychological and physical well-being. The oldest records showing the use of plants and herbs in medicine date back to 3,500BC in Egypt, where essential oils were used by royalty for anointment, mummification, to treat health conditions and also as perfume.…

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